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苹果盘二孢的分离培养研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苹果盘二孢Marssonina coronaria引起的褐斑病是造成我国苹果树早期落叶的主要原因,由于该病菌分离培养困难,阻碍了对其生物学特性的研究,进而影响了对其防治机理和流行规律的研究。本研究应用4种培养基质,探索了3种方法对苹果盘二孢的分离效果。结果表明,3种方法均可分离到病原菌,但组织块分离法和分生孢子团分离法成功率仅有10%左右,而单孢分离法污染少,成功率高达到90%以上,明显优于其他两种方法。不同培养基上菌落形态、大小和产孢情况差异也很大,培养1个月(25℃)后PDA上菌落黑褐色隆起,表面蚯蚓粪状,无气生菌丝,无子实体和基内菌丝;10%V8培养基上菌落中央隆起,黑褐色,表面生少量气生菌丝,边缘放射状,基内菌丝深褐色,有子实体;苹果叶片葡萄糖琼脂培养基(LDA)上菌落平坦,黄褐色,表面生茂密的金黄色气生菌丝,基内菌丝深褐色,有子实体;苹果叶片煎汁葡萄糖琼脂培养基(LEDA)上菌落有明显的不规则隆起,黄褐色至黑褐色,表面生少许气生菌丝,菌落生长缓慢,无基内菌丝,分生孢子盘菌落表面生,菌落直径仅2mm左右,而在其他培养基上的菌落直径可达6-8mm,说明培养基质、分离方法均对苹果盘二孢的分离培养和生长发育有明显的影响。  相似文献   
白洋淀鱼类组成现状   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
目前白洋淀共有鱼类33种,隶属于7目12科30属,自然鱼类种群呈现低龄、小型化,经济鱼类人工养殖业发展较快,但应有计划地给予节制。本文对优势种之一白鲦鱼的生物学特性做了重点研究,总体情况不如1991年。结合近年来调查所得的资料,总结得出白洋淀鱼类种群组成的变化及影响其变化的环境因素,从而对白洋淀环境的保护与利用、白洋淀的鱼类资源的可持续发展提出建议。  相似文献   
中国近海牡蛎系统分类研究的现状和对策   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
探讨了中国近海沿岸牡蛎分类的诸多疑难和热点问题,回顾了国内外包括贝类等动物的分子系统发生学研究的主要进展,分析了中国近海牡蛎系统分类目前存在的问题,重点阐述了利用分子标记等手段解决形态相似种的鉴定和种系发生关系等问题的巨大潜力,报道了利用分子标记进行牡蛎分类研究所取得的最新进展。预期经典分类学和分子系统发生学研究的交叉综合,将大力推动中国近海牡蛎的系统分类和系统发生研究的发展。  相似文献   
不同烟草品种叶下表皮微形态学特征的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用扫描电镜及光学显微镜对烤烟、晒烟及野生烟共29个品种叶下表皮微形态学特征进行了观察,发现相同类型的烟草品种间表现出一些共同特征,但不同类型的烟草品种间其叶下表皮微形态学特征又存在一定的差异。烤烟气孔外拱盖内缘较丰富,晒烟次之,野生烟在所观察的品种中只有1种类型;烤烟气孔密度和长度的变幅比较大,晒烟则比较稳定;烤烟、晒烟细胞间多有突起,保卫细胞极区常见“T”型加厚,绝大多数有角质环边;而所观察的两个野生烟品种均无细胞间突起,无保卫细胞极区加厚,亦无角质环边。这些观察结果为烟草分类研究提供了有价值的参考依据。同时本文还探讨了烟草亲本与子代之间在叶下表皮微形态学特征上的关联性。  相似文献   
This study, aimed at elucidating changes in the foliar and cambial behavior in Azadirachta indica (Neem tree) due to coal-smoke pollution, has revealed inhibitory effects of pollution stress on leaf pigments concentrations, nitrate reductase activity and the contents of reducing sugars and total N content, whereas stimulatory effects were given on stomatal index and nitrate and sulphur contents. Under smoke effects, stomatal conductance was low, leading to a drop in the net photosynthetic rate and a rise in the internal CO2 concentration of leaf. Cambial reactivation in the stem was delayed at the polluted site. Although the total span of the cambial activity was reduced, greater amount of wood was observed to accumulate in the stem axis under heavy pollution stress. Vessel proportion in the wood increased, whereas size of vessel elements and xylem fibers decreased. “Vulnerability factor” (ratio between mean vessel diameter and mean vessel abundance) and “mesomorphic ratio” (multiplication product of vulnerability factor and mean length of vessel element) of the stem–wood, both declined with increase in the pollution stress, thus indicating a tendency of the species for shifting towards xeromorphy when grown under stress. Given the opposite trends of photosynthetic rate and wood increment, the carbon-partitioning pattern rather than the photosynthetic rate seems to have influenced the accumulation of new wood. The Neem tree proves to be suitable for growing in the polluted areas.  相似文献   
以豫北太行山旅游开发的典型地—红旗渠青年洞和太行大峡谷桃花洞景区为研究对象,采用样地调查和现场提问的方法,以敏感水平、物种多样性指数、旅游影响系数和环境质量重要值等6项指标,同时对景区土壤理化性质进行了考察,分析评价了旅游开发对该区生态环境所产生的影响。结果表明,旅游开发对生态环境的影响具有一定的规律性,在考察的各项指标中,敏感水平与群落景观重要值及生物多样性信息指数两项指标基本上成反比关系。旅游活动对景区的植被、土壤和环境质量都已造成了一定的负面冲击。  相似文献   
本文利用对生基因转育获得的对生与互生自交系及其杂交组合,研究了对生性状对玉米主要品质性状的杂种优势和配合力的遗传效应的影响。结果表明:对生自交系籽粒品质性状的配合力效应一般高于互生玉米,在蛋白质含量上,对生F1杂种优势与普通互生F1无明显差异,而在油份和淀粉含量上对生F1较互生表现出明显的优势。不同组配方式对F1对生群体籽粒品质性状的杂种优势存在差异,在对生组合利用中通过互×互组配较对×对组配能使F1获得更高的蛋白质含量;选育含油量较高的对生系,利用对×对组合有助于选育高油杂交种;选育淀粉含量较高的含有不同对生基因的互生自交系作亲本,利用互×互组配有助于选育高淀粉对生杂交组合。  相似文献   
通过形态特征的测量和线粒体DNAcyt b基因序列分析,发现了弹涂鱼属的1个中国新纪录种,大鳍弹涂鱼Periophthalmus magnuspinnatus.新纪录种与中国近缘种弹涂鱼P.modestus的主要形态区别为:第1背鳍大而高,第1鳍棘呈丝状延长,各鳍棘尖明显伸出鳍膜;第2背鳍各鳍棘中部以下颜色均一,无黑斑;第1背鳍和第2背鳍基部之间间距较小;左右腹鳍基部愈合处凹陷较浅.序列分析表明,新纪录种与形态近似种弹涂鱼P.modestus的cyt b基因全序列平均K 2-P遗传距离高达17.3%,在分子系统树上也聚为分别属于两个不同的支序,证实了新纪录种的有效性.新纪录种在中国的渤海、黄海、东海和南海的沿海都有分布记录.  相似文献   
氮离子束注入对小麦苗期耐盐性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用能量为25keV的不同剂量的N 注入新疆春小麦种胚后,研究盐胁迫对小麦幼苗体内生理生化指标的影响。结果表明,在6×1016N /cm2剂量注入新春11号时,盐胁迫后小麦幼苗的SOD活性、脯氨酸含量、可溶性糖含量、可溶性蛋白含量均增加,幼苗生长良好,说明该剂量处理新春11号有利盐胁迫下小麦幼苗的生长。  相似文献   
Aim To determine whether life‐history characters that affect population persistence (e.g. habit and life span) and those that influence reproductive success (e.g. sexual system and fruit type) are non‐randomly correlated with extinction risk (i.e. threat category) in the Australian flora (c. 19,000 species, of which c. 14% is threatened). To identify patterns that present useful conservation directions. To understand patterns of extinction risk in the Australian flora at a broad scale. Location Continental Australia. Methods A country‐wide exploration of four life‐history characters in the Australian flora (n = 18,822 species) was undertaken using reference texts, expert opinion, herbarium records and field work. For each character and threat‐category combination, a G‐test (using a log‐linear model) was performed to test the null hypothesis that the two factors were independent in their effects on count. A generalized linear model (GLM) with a logit link and binomial error distribution was constructed with the proportion of taxa in each extinction risk category as the response variable and the habit, sex and fruit‐type characters as explanatory terms. In a separate approach, we investigated patterns across the threat categories of non‐endangered extant, endangered, and extinct using a multinomial model. We examined whether or not species‐poor genera were more likely to contain threatened or extinct species than species‐rich genera. A GLM with a binomial error distribution and logit link function was constructed to obtain a weighted regression on the proportion of species listed as extinct or endangered within a genus versus the log of the size of the genus. We also used a supertree analysis and character tracing to investigate the role of phylogeny on extinction risk. Results We found that the Australian flora is primarily composed of bisexual shrubs with dry‐dehiscent fruits. Dioecious breeding systems (separate female and male flowers on separate plants) in many floras are the predominant unisexual system, but in Australia there are unexpectedly high levels of monoecy (separate female and male flowers on the same plant). Within the extinct data set of 31 species we detected a significant departure from that expected for habit but not for life span, sexual system or fruit type. There are significantly fewer trees on the extinct list than expected. This may reflect the greater resilience of trees than of other growth habits to extinction processes as well as the observation time‐frame. Within the endangered data set of 450 species we found significant differences in the representation of the observed characters from that expected within sex systems and fruit types. We show that, depending on the life form, unisexual breeding systems can be significantly and positively associated with endangered species compared with non‐threatened species. For example, there are more monoecious species than expected by chance among the tree species listed as endangered but fewer among the herbaceous life forms. Threat category was found to be non‐randomly clustered in some clades. Main conclusions Life‐history characters in certain combinations are predictive of extinction risk. Phylogeny is also an important component of extinction risk. We suggest that specific life‐history characters could be used for conservation planning and as an early warning sign for detecting vulnerability in lists of species.  相似文献   
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